Friday, August 17, 2007

QUIXTAR: A Response from Fred Harteis

Original Source (Source is somewhat in question, since comments can easily be forged)


1. I did not back out of the lawsuit. I had no knowledge that a lawsuit was being filed and did not authorize anyone to include me as a party to the lawsuit. This fact was conceded by TEAM's attorney to my attorney earlier this week. I had never read or seen the lawsuit. I had never spoken with the attorneys who filed the suit for TEAM. TEAM's intentional and reckless conduct in causing their attorneys to place my name on the Complaint has and will continue to cause substantial damages to me and my family in our Quixtar businesses. The damages that we are sustaining are amply demonstrated by this comment from "TEAM Member."

2. No one exerted any pressure on me to make any decision. I never intended to join any TEAM member in a lawsuit against Quixtar in the first instance.

3. I have never received any compensation from the TEAM training system. And while we're at it, I do not agree with the sale of BSM without the supporting a business that offers consumable products. A system that is promoting the system itself and focuses almost entirely on income from the system is improper and not something in which I will engage.

Fred Harteis

Posted by: Fred Harteis | August 17, 2007 at 02:16 PM

Possible command referred to by Fred in #1 above:

Interesting... All of this. I have just sat down and read all the comments. 5 out of 20 board members lost. One was the vice chairman. At first I thought that Quixtar had a chance, but it is becoming more and more evident to me that they are an old company that is behind the times. I find it interesting that Quixtar keeps touting the fact that they were terminated. What they don't want you to know is that they were quiting anyway. Only they actually wanted to do it peacefully. I also find it interesting to hear Quixtar's response. First - they attack the character and integrity of the TEAM founders, then they spout off about the money that is coming to Quixtar, and how it will be passed on to the consumer. Those are great distraction techniques, but don't be fooled, no one on TEAM is. It is very clear to me that with this global economy, the TEAM is positioning itself in the right place. Someone said that we don't want to compete with Wal-Mart. That's great - don't. We will. Wal-Mart was the largest corporation in the world, until Exxon-Mobil took over. I would say that's a good competition to be in. Maybe you don't agree - that's fine - some of have to settle for less than the best. As I have heard it quoted many times - "Good is the enemy of Great" Right now, Quixtar is good. Do they have the courage and resolve to change? Those 15 members that are a part of that law suit are not suing money, no, they just want fair competition. They have put themselves out on the line for all the IBO's under them to try and make the opportunity the best it can be. For those board members that don't know what this means, read a book called "Servant Leadership" Orrin and Chris have just demonstrated this. This is why they will come out on top. From everything that I have seen and read, from both sides, Quixtar does not live by this model and will ultimately fail unless they can change. They have the complaints. No one likes the name Amway. People working as a TEAM accomplish more than individuals trying to fight over prospects. Prices are too high. Lower prices or be lost in history. K-Mart couldn't figure it out. Wal-Mart had it figured out, but seemingly is unable to change. Will Quixtar be next on this list? Only Quixtar and the IBOIA board have control over this. We will see if you step up to the plate, or shrink into the realm of insignificance. What will you do Jonathan?

Posted by: TEAM member | August 17, 2007 at 05:25 PM

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