Wednesday, January 30, 2008

TEAM: Fred Harteis Resigns

Original Source

Statement From Fred Harteis: 01/30/2008

As an IBO I have entered into many discussions concerning issues I have had with Quixtar i.e.: product pricing, the IBO compensation plan, negative on the web. I have been open about my opinions. When the DTI situation became public, I became very concerned about our future, in the USA based on the DTI complaint. I discussed these issues with several people including my attorneys, my leaders, Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady. However I never talked to D.J. Poyfair or anyone from his firm.

In July of 2007 I along with many others were very concerned about our future in business with Quixtar as was consistent in August of 2007.

Although I agree with the issues I would have hoped Orrin and Chris and the others were not terminated on August 9th of 2007 and the lawsuit would have not been served.

I do not have any question of the character of Orrin Woodward or Chris Brady, or doubt their motive to help people. I see them as leaders with a vision and passion to do great things for America and people on their Team.

I have resigned from Quixtar and I am working with Team Leadership. I would like to see Quixtar and Team resolve their differences soon, so everyone can get on with their lives and focus on the future.

Fred Harteis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. This is awesome news!